Baby Wiggers.

When I first brought this topic up in college, I believe my friends thought I was joking or had too many cheap vodka shots (most likely of the Albertsons brand, Heritage). I had one friend who understood my thoughts as she has the passion and keen aptitude to appreciate all things a bit off the grid. But regardless of one person appreciating my thought or thousands, the fact still remains- there are people out there wigging their bald babies.


Fact: many babies are bald and the world accepts it. Have you ever had the less than warm encounter where you comment on how cute a baby is and call the she a he? Well if you haven’t, let me share the thoughts of the parent…”Ah, HELL NO!” Granted sometimes it doesn’t come off as dramatic as it reads, but the bottom line is that they are offended. And here is where the parents entertain the idea of only dressing a baby girl in pink, piercing their ears and….wigging their babies.


In my opinion, wigging a baby is a no-go. Are babies cute and fascinating in wigs? Duh, they’re babies! But babies are weird enough as is being creepy little miniature humans that result from the act of sex (or fancy science technology) and grow in our stomachs, why make them even more bizarre and throw ourselves into a state of mental uncertainty? Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for wigging babies in the appropriate setting. For example, play dates or Halloween. But let’s be serious, if babies are being wigged at a play date, mommy is taking the reigns and making it her play date. So that only leaves Halloween as the appropriate setting for wigged babies. Personally, I cannot wait to have a baby to create my very own lil Einstein or Little Mermaid.  And if at some point in time it ever becomes morally acceptable to dress your baby up as a serial killer, I will be putting a SAW mask on my baby and sticking him on a red tricycle. Though I must face reality and realize that if it becomes acceptable to dress a baby up as a serial killer, our world has really gone off the rocker.


It’s like when you mistake someone’s dog or cat for a female when it’s a male and the owner appears insulted. Do these pet parents really expect me to do an awkward undercarriage check before making a brief passing comment about their pet? No! I have more important things to do, like blog about wigged babies. Embrace your babies baldness because when they turn three and are all over the map with sticky substances, you’re gonna wish they were bald. And so what if someone calls your cute baby a boy when it’s a girl, they’re still calling your little creation cute. And trust me, not all babies are cute, regardless of what the masses say.